
Even in a "woke" Gen Z culture, sex still remains one of the most taboo subjects. As it taunts us everywhere in ads, movies, television and social media; why is sexual health and wellness still one of the most universally under-educated subjects?

The demand for pleasure positive sex education is expanding and young people have questions, I know I do.

Pleasure Seekers unapologetically takes on these topics, giving people of all backgrounds a safe space to talk about sex. Each episode explores new perspectives and conversations relating to sexual pleasure and health! We know that sex is not “one size fits all.” We aim to create a non-judgmental and fun space to explore our sexualities.

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Sex Education Film Festival 2023

Meet Sammy

Film Picture of Sammy
Film Picture of Sammy

Pleasure Seekers is a series founded by filmmaker Samantha Ariel Berlanga (She/they). Sammy is a latinx independent filmmaker. As a senior media studies major at the University of San Francisco, she decided to make her final film thesis on exploring conversations about sexual health and pleasure.

“These conversations have always felt off limits to me. My main source of sex-ed when I was younger came from my peers. We embraced each-others awkward sexual encounters as our own to learn from. While it did prove to be educational it also proved to carry a lot of misinformation and stigma because let’s face it… Women's health and wellness in general continues to have some very outdated research. And it usually is not inclusive of pleasure. Pleasure matters and it can make or break your sexual experience. Researches on sexual health and wellness tell us that when sex education is pleasure-based it is evident that people have a healthier relationship with both themselves and their partner. They feel safe to vocalize and explore their desires. They practice consent. They practice safe sex. They even may wait longer before having sex. Their experiences are overall richer and more fulfilling. Doesn’t that sound so much better?”

To Samantha, it is important that everyone feels encouraged to explore their sexuality on their own terms. Being sex-positive is about creating that space for people to feel welcomed into their exploration well-informed. So the conversation starts here. With Sammy, her friends, her mom, and guest experts on sex education.