Pleasure Positive, Sex Ed Resources

Good Vibrations - Good Vibrations is the premiere sex-positive sexual health and wellness toy retailer in the US. Providing  high quality products, and information promoting sexual health, pleasure, and empowerment. Creating a safe, welcoming, and non-judgmental environment where customers can shop for sex toys and books, as well as attend workshops and inspiring events.

The Pleasure Project - The Pleasure Project is an international education and advocacy organization promoting sexual health and agency with an emphasis on “good safe sex.” 

Sex Positive Families - Sex Positive Families is an online sexuality education platform providing resources that help families raise sexually healthy children using a shame-free, comprehensive, and pleasure-positive approach.

Planned Parenthood- The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is a trusted provider of high quality affordable sexual and reproductive healthcare, an informed educator, a passionate advocate and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world.

Pleasure Seekers is not in affiliation or paid to promote any of these resources. We simply wanted to include them as a directing point to more Sex and Pleasure positive groups.